Award Eligibility 2017

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I did band camp for a weekend in November. This is not my band.

Greetings from the future! Assuming you are still in the year 2017, you are probably approaching the end of your year. Myself, I began 2018 back on October 1st in an effort to curtail the absolute shitshow that 2017 was turning out to be. I’m a mere month and a half into my new year.

So far the plan has worked pretty well. I sold two short stories, and my weird West story “Forgive Us Our Trespasses” was published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies on October 26th. I purchased a home. I joined a band and am re-learning how to play the keyboard. I finished writing a handful of new short stories. I inherited a bunch of furniture, which I am spending all my free time refinishing.

However you measure time, it’s award nomination season. If you’re able to vote in the Nebulas or Hugos, you may be interested to know that I am available to be nominated. Here is the grand total of my work that is eligible in the Short Story category:

“Forgive Us Our Trespasses,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies #237, October 26, 2017.

This is also my second (and therefore final) year of eligibility for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Boy would I love a nomination, but let’s be real here: my buddy Aimee Ogden deserves it more because she’s a fabulous writer and I’m not just saying that because she let me stay in her house and pet her dog. Go check out her list of eligible works here.

That’s all for now! I must head out to the garage and sand more furniture.

This was a couch and armchair once, and maybe it will be again.